
Copyright laws govern ownership and rights to original works of intellectual and artistic expression, including:

  • written works such as books, pamphlets, or magazines;
  • artistic works such as movies, photographs, music, drawings, paintings, live performances, and sculpture; and
  • commercial works such as software programs, business plans and charts, websites, graphic designs, and data compilations.

We help clients protect their copyright rights through registration and other strategies. 

Copyright Services

  • General advice
  • Application for registration with the United States Copyright Office
  • Assignments
  • Licensing
  • Cease-and-desist letters
  • DMCA takedown notices
  • Social media takedown notices


We work using flat rates. You will know up front what the total cost will be for the services most appropriate for you, barring unforeseen circumstances.

Common fees are listed in the downloadable fee schedule. Additional attorney and Copyright Office filing fees may apply to these listed fees. The fees listed here are starting points. Fees ultimately depend on the complexity of the work required.