The Entreprenista League

I belong to a fantastic network of women business owners called The Entreprenista League.

If you are a woman business owner and would like to join this network to

  • make meaningful business connections,
  • participate in weekly virtual learning and networking events, and
  • have a strong community of support from other women business owners,

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Purely decorative blog post image.

The Patent Process

Filing a patent application can be lengthy, often taking years, but it grants immediate benefits such as “patent pending” status and database entry. The process involves determining patentability, selecting the type of application, drafting, submitting, and “prosecuting” with the USPTO. International protection requires timely action. Maintenance fees are necessary for utility patents post-issuance.

Human v AI for intellectual property

Can You Copyright or Trademark a Logo Designed by AI?

The legal world is buzzing about AI and its use for all kinds of things, including generating logos, text, and other things people would normally want to register for copyright or trademark protection. I’m particularly nerding out over these issues, because my master’s degree project involved training of artificial intelligence systems.

There’s no doubt AI is incredibly useful for things like this, though there is still no substitute for a real human author or artist. But what rights do you have to what it create for you? Keep in mind the generators are trained on existing material, including things that are protected by copyright, trademark registration, and patents. There haven’t been a lot of court decisions on this precise topic yet, so the law is not completely settled, but there are some certainties and principles of law that can guide you.